Trying to keep fun stuff someplace other than twitter, for reasons of trash fire.
- The magnificent Fate SRD Site now has a Patreon.
- 1600 Occult books have been digitized and put Onlime
- Really good Thread on pitching.
- My copy of the Fiasco boxed set arrived this week, and I’m really enthusiastic to crack it open this weekend.
- Harry Connolly’s Child of Fire came out on Audiobook and I’m pretty psyched. That is really good news, because it’s an AMAZING series and it serves more attention.
- Really fantastic article on Design Thinking that cuts through the BS.
- My ONE WEIRD THING to get people to see and think about your game. Also, a mammoth thread about RPG pricing.
- Quest RPG has made a very well made SRD available, and it’s pretty nice.
- Article on priming (that is, using cues to subtly direct choices) is an interesting read. The jump to subliminal advertising is less interesting to me that the explicit table technique, something I am pretty sure a lot of GMs have some practice with, if only unconsciously.
- Julia Evans makes amazing instructional zines, which I love, but are interesting to distribute on modern platforms. I see a lot of them on twitter, or via her mailing list, but every now and again she does a summary post so you can review them. These delight me. The topics are great, but every time I see one they make me thing I need to try out the format.
- Ulysses is my go-to writing app. It works in text, but has a lot of power to wrap it in, allowing me to do things like, say, these posts. It’s got many of the advantages of scrivener, but is definitely more lightweight and less featureful. One benefit of working in text is that collaboration has fewer technical challenges, and the Ulysses folks posted a guide on collaborating on docs over github, which is a useful read for any writing nerds who have been curious. The GitHub explanation works with almost any text docs, not just Ulysses, so if you’re on windows and using something like Writemonkey the benefits should be similar.
- Neat collection of underwater photography of all manner of strange creatures.
- Maps of Roman Roads in the style of the London Underground.
I just want to say that I really appreciate this post. I’ve been trying to get further away from twitter, and one of the things that keeps me coming back is the game designers I follow. It’s a genuinely good source of news and interesting ideas, but it’s also, as you said, a complete trash fire that’s really bad for our collective mental health. I realized recently that much of the “news” I get from twitter could just as easily be aggregated in RSS (some exceptions for up-to-the-minute protest stuff, but I can tune in to twitter selectively for that when appropriate rather than bathing in it all day long). Posts like this one make it that much easier for me to further distance myself from twitter without losing *all* of the things that make it useful.