
Ok, so I knew I had not written here for a while, but firing this up this morning reveals that my last post was in November, and that’s a bit mortifying. Clearly, the clever answer is to dash off a brilliant post right now in an explosion of good intentions, but I know that’s a losing proposition, so I’ll beg a little more patience. I am in the midst of changing a bit of my situation in hopes of re-enabling a bit of writing time, because I deeply and genuinely miss it.

Wish me luck.

5 thoughts on “Dang

  1. Blue

    Woo! Glad to see you back.

    Anything we can do to help? Suggest topics? Buy something on KS so you have more time?

    1. Rob Donoghue Post author

      I wish, but the “good news” is that my biggest problem is that things are by and large going well in a way that consumes a lot of time!

      1. Blue

        There are much worse problems to have. We’ll be patient. đŸ™‚

        So any of that good news on the gaming front? Playing, publishing, running?


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