Testing Out the New Digs

I admit, I’m a bit of a fool for technology, and the opportunity of changing blog platforms also means an opportunity to change how I write blog posts. I have a few apps that could theoretically allow me to edit then publish to blogger, but the results were always a bit unsatisfying. But in a fit of serendipity, it seems that my preferred minimal writing app, byword has added the ability to publish directly to a number of platforms, wordpress among them. Since Byword also lets me use markdown to generate smart footnotes [1] as I write, this seems like a total win for me.

Which is to say, this first post is really just me testign to see if the technology all works the way I would expect it to, or if there are some more hoops I need to jump through

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6 thoughts on “Testing Out the New Digs

    1. Rob Donoghue Post author

      Yah. It’s the thing that I tend to alternate with Foldingtext. Foldingtext has cooler organization, but Byword has better markdown support, and now cool tricks like publishing.


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